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How Hydrogen will give Oxygen to the European economy

photo by rony michaud from Pixabay When Jeremy Rifkin wrote The hydrogen economy book in 2002, very few people were ready to bet that his vision would become the new economic strategy of Europe one day. Instead that day has arrived. On the 8th of July 2020, the...
What are the Hotspots for CleanTech Startups in Europe?

What are the Hotspots for CleanTech Startups in Europe?

By Startup Heatmap Europe Our data show CleanTech has become a major industry trend in Europe over the past years. The Startup Heatmap Europe tracks a variety of metrics to measure the top tech trends every year and ranks CleanTech as the 7th most important trend...
Climate and the future: pacta servanda sunt

Climate and the future: pacta servanda sunt

Agreements must be respected, this is the meaning of one of the most famous Latin phrases. What might it mean today in the context of the climate crisis? There is one unwritten pact that we must all respect above all else, without hesitation. The covenant for the...